Monday, October 29, 2012


Ok... soo... being a mom, a student, and trying to have some sort of personal life outside of that, while writing a blog, is hard. :) Anyways- I think I am going to make this more of a weekly update thing versus daily.

The past few days have gone well! I have been able to stick to Paleo (minus the couple pieces of candy I snagged from Bentley's trick or treating bag this weekend). I am starting to feel the "craves" for something sweet but other than that it has been pretty easy. I'm happy to report that I didn't cave into the chip basket or anything of the sort while eating out this weekend.

Breakfast usually has consisted of eggs (sometimes a veggie omelet) and turkey bacon
Snacks are anywhere from apple with almond butter, or a Larabar, or sliced veggies
Lunch and dinner have mainly been chicken with some sort of veggie side. (I tend to eat left-overs from the previous meals often... which I'm perfectly OK with haha)

Workouts have been 'ehh...' lately. With a test approaching Thursday I have been using my spare time (...ha!) studying. But I am going to Zumba tonight! Woo!

I'll give a more updated weekly post after this crazy week!

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